My youngest of three boys was away at college and commencing his dreams to play football and earn his college degree. Imagine getting a call from the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) late Friday evening. Your child is on the other end, “Momma, please come and get me – I have been arrested.” My mind became flooded with a sense of fear and panic! My world came crashing down!
I did not have a clue about what to do next. With my phone ringing non-stop with people wanting to know if this was my son and if the accusations were true, all I knew was that I had to help my son.
What attorney do you call late a night? How do you engage a bondsman several states away? Frantically driving down the highway, I was stopped and ticketed for speeding. All I could do was cry aloud by myself with anguish and heart-aching pain for my son.
Miles away, there was an angel! A long-time family friend and confidant reached out to offer help! Just three years earlier, she had a similar situation with her son. She knew the ropes and how to best help prepare me for the arduous journey ahead.
By faith, we are here to help you!
Your help is here!