I will never forget Juneteenth 2009 as the beginning of my life’s darkest hours.
While out shopping, I received a bizarre telephone call from a neighbor. “Don’t come home,” the voice on the other end shouted, “the apartment building has been shut down, and no one can enter or leave.” Unfazed, I continued to shop until two phone calls later when I found out the police were looking for my son. I was told that he was a potential suspect. In what…I didn’t know. For the first time in my life, I felt utterly helpless! I thought to myself, this has to be a mistake.
Frantically, I tried to call my son, but he didn’t respond. I raced to the precinct, thinking I’d surely get some answers. I thought, “calm down – you know him better than anyone else, and none of this is making any sense.”
Seeking advice, I reached out to as many friends as I could. Everyone tried to help, but no one understood the depth of my pain. After the longest night of my life, I flipped pages in the directory. I had never felt so alone.
With faith as my guide, I began to pick up the pieces, and I learned what it took to respond to one of life’s most painful moments as a parent. Today, along with Lynne, we are here to give you the best from Our Lessons Learned.
By faith, we are here to help you!
Your help is here!