OurLessonsLearned (OLL) is a creative 501(c)3 organization founded in 2021 and headquartered in Orlando, Florida. OLL is making history as a uniquely new Non-profit. We connect together with caregivers of the incarcerated to empower and inspire along their journey.

We wouldn’t be who we are today without the incarceration of our sons and our lessons learned throughout our painstaking ordeal. We realized there is no better way to help others than through our lessons learned.


OLL’s mission is to provide support for caregivers whose loved ones have been incarcerated by assisting them with information, guidance, emotional/mental health, and referral services.


Lynne’s Story

My youngest of three boys was away at college and commencing his dreams to play football and earn his college degree. Imagine getting a call from the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) late Friday evening. Your child is on the other end, “Momma, please come and get me – I have been arrested.” My mind became flooded with a sense of fear and panic! My world came crashing down!

I did not have a clue about what to do next. With my phone ringing non-stop with people wanting to know if this was my son and if the accusations were true, all I knew was that I had to help my son.

Lee’s Story

While out shopping, I received a bizarre telephone call from a neighbor. “Don’t come home,” the voice on the other end shouted, “the apartment building has been shut down, and no one can enter or leave.” Unfazed, I continued to shop until two phone calls later when I found out the police were looking for my son. I was told that he was a potential suspect. In what…I didn’t know. For the first time in my life, I felt utterly helpless! I thought to myself, this has to be a mistake.

Frantically, I tried to call my son, but he didn’t respond. I raced to the precinct, thinking I’d surely get some answers. I thought, “calm down – you know him better than anyone else, and none of this is making any sense.”


Natecia Smith

Board of Directors

John A. Brown

Board of Directors

Wanda Easley Perkins

Board of Directors

Christel Mamaril

Board of Directors

Gary Moses

Board of Directors


Randy M. Moore Jr. – Advisory Council

Cheryl Tuck – Advisory Council

Frank Tuck – Advisory Council


Lela Brown – Advisory Council

James C. Kelly Jr. – Advisory Council

Eric Truvillion – Advisory Council

Gale C. Garner – Advisory Council

Lawrence Newell – Advisory Council


Damany Cruickshank

Community Resource Liaison

Kenneth Christmon

Spiritual Advisor


MCA Group Inc.

Brand Advisor